- On Line EBULA:
According to Wikipedia, max speed on this line is 250 k/mh unless running late where you can increase speed to 280 km/h. Timings are easy and you will probably run early.
Willemshöhe - 144
- 160 Körle Ost yard
- 170 Pfieffetmbrücke
- 178 Licherode sidings
- 196 Kirchheim sidings
- 214 Langenswcharz sidings
- 221 Michelsromback points
223.6 tunnel - 10km to Fulder
- Throttle off, brake 4 to 160 km/h
231 - end of tunnel, aim for 100 km/h by here
- AFB off
- AFB to 0
Fulda - 233
- AFB reset
- AFB on
- 100km/h
- 240 Junction to Fulda Main Line
- 266 Mottgers sidings
- 279 Parallel to Fulda Main Line
- 280 Burgsinn Staion on Fulda main line
- 283 Burgsinn Yard
- 301 Junction from Main Spessart Bahn near Gemünden and Nantenbach
- 312 Long viaduct - 15 km to Würzburg
314.6 Tunnel - 10 km to Wüzburg
- Throttle off
- Brake 4 to 160 km/h
- AFB off
- AFB to zero
321 Viaduct over River Main - 5km to go
- Brake 1 or 2 to 100 km/h by end of tunnel
End of tunnel
- End of LZB
- 60 signal speed warning
- 60
- 30 signal speed warning
- 30
Würzburg - 327
Würzburg - 327
- 60
- LZB starts
- Viaduct over main line then tunnel
- 303 Rohrback sidings
- 301 Junction to Main Spessart Bahn near Gemünden and Nantenbach
- 285 Burgsinn yard and station
- 281 Fulda main line on left
- 266 Mottgers sidings
- Long tunnel
- 251 end of long tunnel - 17km to Fulda
- 250 - 15km to Fulda - coast
- 246 end of another tunnel - brake 3
- 244 - 10km to go - brake to 160 then coast
- 239 - brake to 140
- 238 - be at 100 by left curve ahead
- 100W - 2km to stop at Fulda
- 100 at L/C - be at 80
Fulda - 233
- Reset AFB
- 100
- Long tunnel
- 221 Michelsrombach points
- 215 Langenschwarz sidings
- 197 Kirchheim sidings
- 180 Licherode sidings
- 161 Körle Ost sidings - 16 km to Kassel - coast
- End of tunnel - brake 2 to 200 km/h
- 151 - start of tunnel be at around 160 km/h
- Brake 3
- 150 - be at 120 by end of tunnel and coast
- 148 - cutting - coast to 100 km/h
- Left curve
- 100W - be at around 80 km/h
- 100 just before station