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Move Gizmo


Let's say you have an existing scenario ("old scenario") for which you want to move the marker.

  1. In the scenario editor, create a new scenario for the same route, placing the scenario marker where you want it. Save and exit.
  2. Using RW Tools or any other method (such as looking at file dates), find the correct folders for both the old and the new scenarios.
  3. In the folder for the new scenario, open ScenarioProperties.xml in a text editor or, if absent, open ScenarioProperties.bin in RW Tools.
  4. Select and Copy (Ctrl-C) the whole <Gizmo></Gizmo> node (around 40 lines). Close the file.
  5. In the folder for the old scenario, open ScenarioProperties.xml in a text editor or, if absent, open ScenarioProperties.bin in RW Tools.
  6. Select the whole <Gizmo></Gizmo> node and Paste (Ctrl-V) over it with the text you copied from the new scenario. Save the file and exit.

If there are no locations in the route you want to create a free roam starting point, do the following method:

BMc Fri 04 Jun 2021 09:18:14 PM AEST