uk lul
For full instructions, check the manual.
Command | Key |
Key to power up | Shift W / Shift S |
Mode Selector | W / S |
Open left doors | T U |
Open right doors | T O |
Deadmans handle | Shift E |
- Press "alarm acknowledged" on lower right console
- Press "acknowledge" on TCMS
- Disengage deadmans handle into just inside braking zone
- Press "TRIPCOCK RESET" in corridor panel
- Move Master Control Switch (MCS) to Restricted Manual - Forward
- Re-engage deadmans handle and apply power.
- You are restricted to 10mph for 3 minutes and see 2 stop signals with a proceed aspect.
- Stop just before the second clear signal. Move MCS to Tripcock and proceed.
Rollback occurs on a slope when power not applied quickly enough
- Press acknowledge on TCMS
- Move TBC to brake.
- Move MCS to any other mode
- Reselect tripcock mode on MCS
- Drive away
Something is stuck in the doors.
- Press "sensitive edge" button
- Disengage deadmans handle
- Move TBC to brake setting
- Re-engage deadmans handle and drive off.
- Turn on cab interior light switch to right
- Turn key to on [Shift][W]
- Turn MCS to Tripcock [W][W][W]
- Cancel deadmans handle alar [E]
- Log in to TCMS - 239 duty number; 16445 radio; 473 train number; then press confirm
- Use arrows to scroll through destinations and enter the correct code and press confirm
- Engage deadmans handle [Shift][E]
Player Train Destination codes:
- Olympia 201, 203, 209, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215
- Upminster 1, 4, 6
- Richmond 217, 219, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231
- Wimbledon 14, 17, 19
- High Street Ken 51, 53
- West Ham 48, 50
- Edgware Road 25, 27, 270, 271, 320, 321
- Tower Hill 54, 340, 341
- Ealing Broadway 327, 328