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Just Trains S7+1

For full instructions, check the manual.

Command Key
Key to power up Shift W / Shift S
Mode Selector W / S
Open left doors T U
Open right doors T O
Deadmans handle Shift E

SPAD reset

  1. Press "alarm acknowledged" on lower right console
  2. Press "acknowledge" on TCMS
  3. Disengage deadmans handle into just inside braking zone
  4. Press "TRIPCOCK RESET" in corridor panel
  5. Move Master Control Switch (MCS) to Restricted Manual - Forward
  6. Re-engage deadmans handle and apply power.
  7. You are restricted to 10mph for 3 minutes and see 2 stop signals with a proceed aspect.
  8. Stop just before the second clear signal. Move MCS to Tripcock and proceed.

Rollback Reset

Rollback occurs on a slope when power not applied quickly enough

  1. Press acknowledge on TCMS
  2. Move TBC to brake.
  3. Move MCS to any other mode
  4. Reselect tripcock mode on MCS
  5. Drive away

Sensitive edge alarm

Something is stuck in the doors.

  1. Press "sensitive edge" button
  2. Disengage deadmans handle
  3. Move TBC to brake setting
  4. Re-engage deadmans handle and drive off.

Starting Up

  1. Turn on cab interior light switch to right
  2. Turn key to on [Shift][W]
  3. Turn MCS to Tripcock [W][W][W]
  4. Cancel deadmans handle alar [E]
  5. Log in to TCMS - 239 duty number; 16445 radio; 473 train number; then press confirm
  6. Use arrows to scroll through destinations and enter the correct code and press confirm
  7. Engage deadmans handle [Shift][E]

Alan Thompson Virtual District Underground Patch

Player Train Destination codes: