- See files in Google Drive
- Previously known as RW Tools
Open a command prompt as admistrator.
- Go to C:\Rail Utilities\TS-Tools
- Run Register.bat
- Run registersp.bat
- In options menu, set up paths under "options" tab.
- Create an index by "Route Building Tools" -> "Index Route Properties"
- In main 'file' menu, Extract all Rolling Stock from all .ap files
In Edit Assets menu:
- Tick 'Rolling Stock Only'
- Press Add to list button'
- wait...
- Press save stock index
- Also save list as StockIndex.csv which will be available in the Rail Utilities reports folder
- "Scenarios -> "Edit Scenarios". If your route does not show, you need to extract the "Route Properties.xml" from the MainContent.ap file in the Railworks\Content\Routes\0000 etc folder.
- Run the comand in section 2. above to re-index your routes.
See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEVzQ6ym6tY
- Create your preload folder under Assetts
- Anything you need for your consist that is in a AP file will need to be extracted (as above).
- Index your assets and when it's finished, save it. Check what folder it goes into - it needs to be in your assets preload folder.
- Go to "build QD consist or fragment.
- Double click your components to make your consist.
- You might need to flip any driving component to make it driveable (face the right way in the consist)
- Build QD consist and fill in the boxes and tick whether drivable or just stock.
- If it's drivable, you can select what routes it can be used on, the era, and type of train.
- The saved file might need to be moved to your pre-load folder if your options don't have the correct path in "options'.
- Make your scenario show in TS Tools https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c28UzQjM1-g&t=43s
- Swap Consists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0ucPeBjIIc&list=WL&index=6