Playing around with Train Simulator Graphics settings on BradsPC with the following observations:
- Ambient Occlusion - Dynamic - huge hit on FPS - down to 14.
- Ambient Occlusion - High - 14 FPS.
- Ambient Occlusion - Low - still 14 FPS and I can't see any difference.
- Ambient Occlusion - Off - 32 FPS.
In summary, ambient occlusion is a huge hit on FPS for no noticeable difference.
- Anti-aliasing - FXAA + 3x2 SSAA - looks best and C69 LUL speedo works.
- Anti-aliasing - FXAA + 3x3 SSAA - not much better than 3x2, but C69 speedo does not work.
- Anti-aliasing - off. Looks very jaggard with frame rate slightly higher at 37 FPS.
In summary, FXAA + 3x2 looks as good as the higher setting, AND the speedo in C69 stock works correctly.
- Anisotrophic off - FPS = 32 - speedo not working correctly.
- Anisotrophic X8 - FPS = 32 - speedo working correctly.
In summary, Anistrophic X8 has no hit on frame rate, and the C69 speedo works correctly.
Best settings for BradsPC seem to be:
- Ambient Occlusion off.
- Anti-aliasing - FXAA + 3x2 SSAA
- Anistrophic 8X.
These setting result in an average 32 FPS on LUL Virtual District Route.