After yesterday's experiments on BradsPC, I tried the following on Bradgemer.
Utilising the same settings as BradsPC:
- Antialiasing off - 52 FPS - but shimmering trees and powerlines.
- Anisotrophic off - 52 FPS .
- Antialiasing FXAA + 3x2 15 FPS!
- Antialiasing FXAA - 52 FPS
Settings for BradsPC are not good for Bradgamer.
After refering to :
- antialiasing FXAA + 2x2 SSAA
- anisotropic x 8
- procedure flora off (I set it to on and no drop in framerate)
- adaptive bloom on
- headlight flares on
- Camera motion blur on
- Ambient occlusion off
- Depth of Field off.
Looks nice with no shimmering on tree leaves and steady frame rate of 24 FPS, but turning off antialising gives 60 FPS.
After more experimenting:
- If you really want or need antialiasing, FXAA + 2 x 1 SSAA is a good compromise with a decent above 30 frame rate.
- NVIDIA settings at default and no antialiasing seems to work fine.