As per Old Teck Bloke's video on Youtube:
- Get and install it using installpkg
- Edit /etc/slackpkg/slackpkgplus.conf to use alienbob and alienbob restricted
- slackpkg update gpg to get keys from alienbob
- slackpkg update to update software list
- Follow normal slackware update proceedures as per in Dropbox
For multilib:
- Following instructions in /etc/slackpkg/slackpkgplus.conf, as root execute the script in /usr/share/doc/slackpkg+-version/
This was quite slow and it gave up trying to download qt5-32compat and I had to manually install that using slackpkg.
Lookking at alien, there is now a package for steam. I installed that using
slackpgk install steamclient