Phrases on the middle screen:
V-Überwachung 45 [or 85 or 25] km/h = speed monitoring, i.e. you can't go faster than the stated speed
WT nicht zeitgerecht bestätigt = you didn't pull the acknowledgement key (Wachsamkeitstaste, WT) in time
[rare] Unzulässige Befreiung = you released yourself from monitoring with "PZB free" when you weren't supposed to
Spoken messages:
Zwangsbremsung Zugbeeinflussung = emergency brake due to missed acknowledgement, excessive speed etc. (PZB)
SiFa Zwangsbremsung = emergency brake because you missed SiFa
Specific to the BR 101: Türfreigabe = reminder to release the doors
Specific to the ICE3 when starting it up and it self-tests:
Störung, Störung - Zugbeeinflussung - WB gesperrt, WB gesperrt = malfunction, malfunction - train influencing - electric brake locked
left-hand MFD screen on the ICE3:
Beleuchtung = lighting (for the passengers) - here you press the button with 1 above it to turn it on [AFB menu] v-soll Freigabe = free target speed, i.e. none of the presets. The 5 km/h preset is useful in HMA's "Wash and Go" scenario when you go through the train wash. [PIS menu, press UD twice] Zugeinstellungen = train settings: highlight "Zugeinstellungen" with the up and down arrows, press E, press left and right arrows until the correct destination is displayed. Go back to the default screen by pressing UD again. Grundbild = default screen (press this to exit the lighting or the AFB menu)
On some trains when you change settings in the screen, e.g. the destination on the PIS of the 425 (PIS is FIS in German), you'll see "übernehmen", which means "apply changes".