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Pre-ordered Train Sim World 4

Pre-ordered Train Sim World 4 on Steam to take advantage of the 25% discount for loyalty (15% and pre-order 10%) for a total of \(55 instead of \)74. The standard edition comes with:

  1. Training Centre - already have
  2. Antelope Valley Line Route Add-On
  3. East Coast Mainline Route Add-On
  4. S-Bahn Vorarlberg Route Add-On

The Deluxe version ($77 with 25% off) has the extras of Flying Scotsman (not really interested), Naverker Dresden (I already have), and Vectron Loco (not really interested) and early access.

The Special Edition ($120 with 25% off) has additions of all the above plus Linke Rhienstrecke (would be nice), Southeastern Hi Speed (already have), Boston Providence (already have) and LGV Mediteranee (already have).