I had to uninstall Trainz2019 from Bradgamer to make room for the 125 GB download for Train Sim World 4. I installed Trainz 2019 onto BradsPC. I copied over some sessions via content manager fully expecting there to be no problems. Once again, the issue of missing naviation displays not loading occured again, but only on some.
I can not figure out what the issue is. These sessions run fine in Trainz2022, but I'm not likely to buy that as I'm not a dedicated Trainz user.
My belief now is that Trainz 2019 sessions only work on the machine they're written on. They don't always migrate well. Maybe this is a Steam thing.
So, keep Trainz 2019 on one machine. Write session on that machine and don't bother tryining to copy over to another machine running Trainsz 2019 as they might not work properly.
I'll be leaving Trainz on Bradspc.