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TSW4 Engine.ini Solutions and Steam Options

Like last time I modded my engine.ini file, I'm getting crashes. I've removed it to use the default now with the steam -dx12 flag to see how things run.

Default - Frame rate more stable sitting at around 59-60 fps where with the modified engine.ini it was dropping to the 20s at times.

Geloxo - crashes after about 1- to 15 minutes. Might be too aggressive.

As of today's date, trying dbrunner engine.ini and steam options:


Steam Options

Now trying Steam Options -HIGH -USEALLAVAILABLECORES -DX12


Dbrrunner engine.ini running well, with shadows rendered further along track with a smoother line between rendered and unrendered. Frame rate sitting at 59 to 60 most of the time with only occasional hitches.

See notes in Onedrive/Documents/Unrealengine.ini