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Emacs Doom Compared with Vimwiki and Broken Putty / Tmux

After spending some time learning Emacs Doom org-mode, I have come to the conclusion that org-mode does not have anything more that I need that Vimwiki can't do.

I finally found out why some Vimwiki keybingings don't work - C-up, C-down, Alt left and Alt right. It turns out Putty does not pass on Control modifiers to tmux in some circumstances. It needs a bit of mucking around to fix. I tried a few such as running tmux -2 or changing TERM variable but nothing seems to work. All other terminals seem to work fine.

I found that on Windows, the ssh command in Powershell or Command work fine, and with some configuration, copy and paste work well too.

It seems Putty is broken.

Thu Jan 16 12:08:19 PM AEDT 2025