NJT and North East Corridor Lap Brakes
Very strong brakes on ALP-46. Use double values for Comet IV Cabcar
- eg if you would use 20lb on ALP-46, use 40lb on Comet Cabcar.
- Easy to be at 30 mph at platform from 60 mph 0.2 miles out.
- Aim for 30 mph at start of platform. 15lb reduction
Here is a tip on the brakes: They are manual lapping. Almost like a Westinghouse brake. It has 6 positions: Release, E-Hold, Lap, Service, Handle Off and emergency.
When stopping the train the main positions you want to use are E-Hold, Lap and service. When applying the brakes you put it in service. Your gonna see the White needle on the right gauge go counter-clockwise. This is the brake pressure. While it continues counter-clockwise you can put it in lap when you feel that you have enough pressure.
Lap holds the brake pressure. Putting it into service again adds the BP. While you add BP your gonna see a red needle go clockwise. This is the Brake Cylinder. This is also where E-Hold comes into place.
When putting the brake into E-hold you're going to release the BP but keep the BC. This provides a more comfortable stop [not necessarily true in Train Sim].
If you want to release some of the BC you can put the handle into the Release position. You will see the BC go down. When its at the the spot you want it to be, you can put it back into E-Hold.
If you want only release a little BP then you put it into E-Hold. When the BP is at the point you want it to be, you can put it back into Lap. When at the final destination you put the brake into Handle Off. This is almost like a shut down mode for them.
If you have any questions feel free to ask. I was a NJ Transit engineer for a year and a half and a LIRR driver ever since. :)
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